Buy the dip, sell the rip
In this write up, I would like to show you how I personally take entries and exits in trades. Hopefully this will help shed some light for those who are still struggling to identify and time their entries and exits. Before we start though, I’d like to show you that there are 4 stages/states to any market though, illustrated in the image below. We will be focusing on stage 2-4. The up trend of the market, the topping and sideways action of the market, and the down trend of the market. It is during stage 2 and stage 4 that we need to decide whether we are already too late to hop on the train, or do we still have time to get in and turn a profit. Most of the time I find my self missing stage 2, the beginning trader will see it as hype and the market is hot and jump in. Only to find themselves getting in too late and stuck on stage 3. For my self, I usually find my self spotting stage 3, I sit stalking and waiting for the first sign of stage 4 coming. That’s the bulk of my trades. ...