Step by step of what I do nightly to make a trading plan.

This is the thought process and schedule on how I write out a plan on each ticker: 

Finviz to run a scan with the parameters that I use daily, pick 1 chart that I like on the scan, a daily chart pattern that appeals to my style of trading. Then ne
ws research and find out the catalyst that caused the sudden move for the day for that ticker. 

Go to a charting platform, pull the ticker up and start marking off key levels of support and resistance that had significant volume. Daily chart first, then 15 min chart, then 5 min, then 1 min. 

Develop a bias or plan in your mind after seeing the pattern in a big picture. Think about what the buyers and sellers did previous day. Think about what they plan to do the next day. What you think does not matter, you need to get into the shoes of what the others think. The ‘what would I do if I were them?’ Question.

Then write it down pen to paper! Very important! If it doesn’t go pen to paper, it will not register in your mind. It’s just like school.

Congratulations, you now have a plan. All you need to do is experiment your plan. Just like any science experiment, there is a chance to fail! You have to accept that fact! Once you have accepted that, you can now whether divide how much share size you want to use to put this plan to experiment and NOT GET HURT if the plan blows up in your face! 

After you have done the trade, record your results. You need to create a batch of experiments in order to find out what works for you. 

Rinse and repeat. 

This is what day trading truly is. Tedious trial and error without dying before you find your own secret sauce. Some find it sooner than others. For me I’m close to finding mine. My road is still very rocky though. But believe that your efforts will pay you out tenfold if not more. 

People never plan to fail, they just fail to plan.


  1. Thanks for the fine blog. Can you please elaborate what parameters you use on Finviz for your nightly scans?

    1. I have already screen shot, pinned and posted them in the discord chat room.


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